Chicago coffee shop architects complete interior remodel of Ipsento 606
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Chicago, IL, 2016, Modern Cafe / Bar

Chicago Coffee Shop Architects Complete Ipsento 606 Remodel

A Beautiful Redesign of a Modern Chicago Cafe

“The best coffees tell stories” — the Ipsento Mantra

Ipsento is committed to the craft of coffee and barista engagement with the customer. Many coffee bars place the coffee production bar between the barista and the customer, or on the back counter, where the barista’s back is turned. In both, the crafting of coffee is hidden from the customer, and conversation is difficult.

In a collaborative interior design session with Ipsento, we arrived at an innovative solution: rotate the coffee production bar 90 degrees. This simple move allows the customer full visual access to the crafting of their coffee and invites friendly conversation with the barista.

Large glass counter-height garage doors cut into the thick brick wall open the cafe to Chicago's iconic 606 trail. Coffee-stained woods, exposed brick, and a restored tin ceiling create a fresh, yet familiar environment.

Ready to transform your commercial spaceContact Elements Architectural Group for a consultation.